Augghhh...we're home! Feels so good to be back. We just finished unloading all the bags from the car, picking up our abandoned and unread newspapers that a friendly neighbor had placed at our back door, and finally have the girls tucked snuggly into their beds. Our beautiful black Persian cat, Coco Rose, has been singing us sweet praises (in the form of many loud meows) letting me know that she is happy to have us back.
I'm soooo looking forward to diving into my own fluffy bed again, and sinking into my down-filled duvet to get some zzz's. Tomorrow is a new day...and one that may come all too bright and early. I'm still transitioning from "lake-time", and hoping that I'm able to jump into the morning routine, getting everybody off to school & work without over sleeping, or over stressing! I bet it may be a morning of no makeup, hair in a pony, and uggs for me! :-)
I have a date in the morning with a hot cup of tea, (ok, maybe coffee!) you, and this blog. I'll be excited to share some of our birthday joy, Thanks-giving fun, and what's coming up ahead.
Until then, I'm wishing you a color~full and dream-filled slumber, and as Leticia likes to say..."May every hour you sleep feel like two!" Be well and warm, my sweet friends...
Many sleepy~time hugs,
~Elizabeth x3
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