It's a lazy Saturday here at my house. Just what I needed after a very eventful, and busy week. Ava's running around half-clothed playing her DS, Allie is at the museum with friends, David's out and about, and Ayla's watching re-runs of my favorite old school tv show, 90210. Me...I'm surfing the web, stuck at home for the day, stranded here without my car.
During my crazzzzzy day yesterday, I had the most bizarre incident after picking up the girls from school. We had just celebrated their class Christmas parties and were "joy~fully" headed home, so excited to be officially kicking off their holiday vacation. As I was driving down our street, the big yellow school bus passed us and in a split second...I heard a huge crack. I panicked, the girls screamed, and I dropped my cell phone in mid sentence. Apparently, a boy riding on the school bus hurled a Blow-pop sucker out of the bus window and it landed smack on my windshield, leaving a round crack about the size of a baseball. Long story short...his parents were amazing about it all, and my suburban is away today having the glass replaced.
The call that I was on when the lollipop hit the window, was with my older sister. She was calling to tell me that my 86 year old Grandmother was moved to the ICU unit in a hospital across town. I spent the remainder of the day/night curled up in her bed holding her hand, and hoping for her recovery (or for whatever is in her highest good). Needless to say, it was an emotionally exhausting day and I was happy to finally come home and kick off my high heeled boots, and retreat to my own snuggly bed.
On days like today, I find comfort visiting blogs that inspire me when I'm needing a bit of a push in a positive direction. This morning, I read one of my favorite blogs written by truth-teller, Brene Brown. Her post here really touched my heart. It reminded me of my own Starbucks drive-thru experience which happened earlier this month, and how little acts of kindness really can a make big difference in the lives of others. Her post definitely helped to bring me back to center after my rather challenging day, and my Spirit feels higher and lighter than the day before.
I am so inspired by her post that I think I might have to walk to the store to go sprinkle some kindness in the world.
Mission accomplished. I'm ready, and I'm set. My wave of kindness is about to roll... :-)
~Elizabeth x3
PS. How cool is this???? A foundation for kindness!! Be inspired!
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