My Dear Hearts...
I'm sorry that I have disappeared from my blog! I'm holding the intention to be back soon so that I openly and honestly share with you some very big changes that are unfolding in my life right now. I'm facing some pretty big shifts, and looking forward to using my own experiences of facing change as yet another tool for me to reach out to help heal the hearts of those around me. I'm trusting that all is in divine and perfect order and that the life experiences I am moving through now will help me to be a better me.
In many ways, I feel like my guides are helping me to earn a PH.d in life, and love. I am humbly witnessing my own soul's growth and my Spirit being gently stretched by the love of those around me. As I move further outside of my comfort zone, I am trusting that the story of my own spiritual growth will someday be used to help the hearts of others who are also searching their way through a sometimes painful physical world. There is no doubt that I'm in the midst of a beautiful breakthrough.
As always, I thank you for your support, your kind thoughts, and your prayers. So many of you intuitively left words of encouragement for me without even truly *knowing* that I could use it. I appreciate each and every loving phone call, email, and comment that you all have sent my way over the last 9 years. It is because of this amazing connection to all of you, that I feel inspired and safe in sharing my personal spiritual journey with you. I will be back soon to better express to you the depth of the soul changes that I am making, and to celebrate with you the awesome power of change!
Big smiles of warmth, gratitude and love...
~Elizabeth <3
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