Photo Credit: Elena Ray
Hello, My little love bugs...
How are you? I had written a rather lengthy and eloquent post about the New Moon and Solar Eclipse which is happening tonight...when all of the sudden, it vanished. I'm going to go with the flow, and trust that my words disappearing somewhere in cyberspace means that they have landed just where they needed to be (which is not on your computer screen!). Even though I had intended to share all of my deep, dark, secret intentions for my new moon meditation tonight, it's obvious that the universe has other plans!
Even still...I did try to recover my document but since it was a no-go and I'm way too lazy to rewrite what I had already written...I'm going to share something that landed in my in-box today which pretty much sums up the post that I wrote a few minutes ago.
Here's the message that I woke up to this morning...
On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
....that there will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That
will be the beginning.
Louis L'Amour said that, and he was right. We must let it go. All of it. It will look as if your life is over, and that everything you have worked for has collapsed.
Actually, its construction will have just begun.
It is so trite, I know, but I must say it anyway. I have to say it.
"For every door that closes, there is another that opens." This is the door you have been looking for...but you could not hope to find it while you were locked behind the first one.
Love, Your Friend....
Cool, huh? The message that I received this morning reflects the energy of what the Solar Eclipse and New Moon is really about. I needed this message today. I really did. I still need it. Funny thing is, I know I'm going to continue to *need* it as I look for the courage to let go of people, patterns, and un-serving behaviors of my past which are holding me back from becoming the person that my SPIRIT is calling me to be.
Like this sweet little lady in the picture, I feel like I'm standing upon the tips of my *tippty toes*, reaching out as far as my open arms will grasp...hoping to catch some of the magic of tonight's magical moon to create a life and love that mirrors my hearts deepest desires. I'm stretching waaaaay beyond my comfort zone, shaking my stick far above my head, in hopes of knocking down some of her shimmering, moon-dust powder to land upon my heart, helping me to heal and helping me to trust. At this point, I'm sure that even the teeniest bit of glistening sprinkle would do. :-)
Long before I knew a New Moon/Solar Eclipse was to arrive...I could feel it in my bones. Did you???
For over a year now, many doors in my life have been loudly slamming shut. For the most part, I've been hiding behind them, pretending that I had no choice but to remain locked behind them. New doors are indeed flying open, and as I continue to does my desire to run through them.
It's in the spirit of running towards change instead of away from it, that on this beautiful clear night...I shall curl up beneath my sweet Grandmother Moon and whisper to her all that is stirring in my soul. I will let her light shine on the most tender parts of my heart...allowing, trusting, and affirming that it will be my pure intentions and the highest good of myself and others which will continue to guide my way in this sometimes dark and scary process of letting go.
I will take great comfort in the recent CRAZY synchronistic *happenings* in my life which always serve as beautiful reminders of SPIRIT at work (and play) all around me. I will make a conscious effort to laugh out loud in the moments when I know that the universe has very clearly conspired to support me, and hold back the tears as I struggle with the changes that my guides have so patiently waited for me to have the courage to explore.
I will dare to believe that every situation, circumstance, and experience that I've encountered has been perfectly placed before me as a sparkling opportunity for me to find an even deeper love, self-healing, and spiritual growth...even in the midst of the most painful ones.
I will allow the seeds of this New Moon to settle into my life, knowing that if I have the patience, trust, and discipline to weed the garden of my current life and landscape...that I will make room for a beautiful new life to form. Under these glowing moonbeams, I send out into the vast and starry universe all of the seeds of my life that I intend to sow ...knowing, trusting, and believing that by doing so, they may each someday grow into climbing thick, mature and majestic roots, making way for a variety of new and vibrant blooms.
In the moments between me standing upon my the tips of my toes, reaching out to full-fill my wildest and most far-fetched dreams, I will stand beneath this summer sky and I will sink my feet into the still earth beneath me. I will hold the intention of keeping them firmly planted in the ground, so that even when it feels like I may have been knocked off balance or may have lost my footing, I will remember the magic of this moon...and I will trust.
Big Sigh. Big Smile. Big Hugs. Big Everything...
Blooming where I'm planted,
P.S. Susan Miller's Astrology Zone is my favorite place to read horoscopes. She is out-of-this-world-right-on- about almost EVERYTHING!!! She offers a free monthly report, and is amazingly accurate. Follow the link above to visit her site...but be warned, you'll never want/need another astrologer again! :-)
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