Hi my lovies~
Just a quick check in to say "Hi" and share some really happy, heart-skipped-a-beat kind of news. My dear, dear friend, Rebecca who I wrote about in my last post just announced that she's landed a gig on Oprah.com. She will be featured on Oprah's site as a contributing author, writing each month about spirit communication and spirituality. Soooooo proud of her!!! Here's the dream-turned-to-reality introduction on Oprah's website.
It's funny because this comes just about a year after I had a dream about her sitting on Oprah's couch. I called her one afternoon and left her a rambling voice-mail about the clarity of my dream, and she confirmed to me that she too, had been having dreams about meeting and working with Oprah.
I can't tell you how awesome it feels when you've had strong feelings about something and then, weeks/months/years later when the universe brings those ideas/dreams/insights/ into reality. Even after receiving thousands of incredible validations from the Spirit world, my heart still gets giddy when stuff like this happens, and the messages that I've received from my guides comes to fruition. I hope that feeling of genuine awe never fades...because life is pretty spectacular with this kind of energy always swirling about.
In just a few minutes, I'll be off to pursue some of my own dreams today...which includes meeting Marianne Williamson, at the ArtBridge of Houston's "Picture the Possibilities" luncheon. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing group of women to spend my days with...and am really thankful for all the inspiration that surrounds me in any given moment.
I will be there to hold the space for a few of my special client/friends who have been working really hard to organize this important event, and to support a beautiful cause that helps to heal the hearts of Houston's homeless children by bringing art into their lives. It brings me heaps of gratitude to be included in such an important day, and to see such strong, determined women making such a difference in the world.
I still have so much to share about my California trip, with loads of pictures and videos of my time away. A brand-new Macbook Pro just landed in my lap yesterday (thanks to my jingle-jangle-hunny-bunny!) and that means I'm about to be a very haaappppy blogger girl! :-) It's just a little weird to me not to have a right-click button, seriously!! It's going to be fun getting to know my new "Mac"! I'm already loving the way the soft keys light up with the sweetest iridescent glow and I'm head over heals for sleekness of it. I feel like it's going to be the perfect inspiration to get my blogging back on, make some fun movies, and dive into the basics of learning photoshop. I promise, I'll be back soon! I have too much good stuff to share, not to!
I hope you all have a bursting at the seams, heart-happy day. May it be filled with people you love, lots of laughter, color, and joy.
I send you hugs...
PS. Happy Earth Day! Don't forget to hug a tree...lol! :-)
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