Miracle Monday | Teachings from A Course in Miracles
Baby, today...
I want you to know that YOU are the miracle.
The one I wish to celebrate and adore.
Your heart. Your light. Your love.
You are the magic.
Bask in it.
Multiply it...
make it known.
Shout it out through
your actions,
whisper it
in your words.
are the gift.
An intricate piece to the ever
unfolding of this
mysterious place known as
the "universe".
What a priveledge it is to
"see" you.
In all your glory.
Open your heart to re~member this truth and to see it, too.
Your presence here is more important than you might
have ever been told.
And whether you believe it or not,
on this sweet & sacred new moon...
the cosmos really are signing your praises.
Thanking YOU,
just for your simple "be"ing.
No matter where you are, who you are, or why you are...
know this,
A beautiful part of the greater whole.
Yes you,
my soul friend -
so full of magic and grace...
You are a blessing in this matrix of love, light, and LIFE.
Have the courage to
live it.
breathe it.
sing it.
blessed be...