Miracle Monday | Teachings from A Course in Miracles
Each and every person you meet or happen to come across, has a divine purpose in your life. Be open to discover the gifts of what each one of your "brothers" have to offer you. EVERY meeting, {however brief} can have a huge impact upon your heart....if you let it.
Be brave and allow yourself to receive the blessings of connection that every person you meet on your path undoubtedly offers you. Not only to those whom you positively adore, but also to those who you might rather totally avoid! There are always opportunities to heal...and MOST ESPECIALLY with those you might not really "like".
If you are irritated or annoyed by what you see in someone else, it is only because you, on some level, hold those same qualities that you witness in another. The universe has a funny way of providing a unique opportunity to see a mirror of ones self...reflected back to us in either a positive or negative way by the individuals we encounter.
Pay very close attention to the feelings that others elicit in you...for they tell you a great deal about the very things you might need to heal or change about yourself, and also about the things that you might love or admire about your own personality traits. We all have the internal siren that rings when we cross paths with someone who possesses the same qualities that we hope to further nurture with ourselves, and also when we see others who have less than becoming attributes that we hope to never express. How many times have you said or thought to yourself, "Oh God, I hope to NEVER be like that!" Ummm, newsflash...the very fact that you are disturbed by another person's actions or energy means that you have some healing to do.
Think about this the next time you "happen" to meet someone new, or even when thinking about people from your past. Be aware of your reaction, be it a positive or a negative one, either when you might be feeling a twinge of jealously or judgement...or an overwhelming sense of inspiration or joy...
What qualities to those individuals posses that you hope to either imitate or avoid???
In that space of inner awareness, there is tremendous opportunity for you to heal.
Don't waste the "message" of what the universe is telling you and what you might be needing to hear...
With sprinkles of miracles and magic,
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