"Word to the wise: You just never know when the Universe is gonna goose ya."
~ Sera Beak
Hmmmm. So true. So true!
NOT everything is what it might appear to be...
especially how it may appear to be at first glance.
Lucky for us,
the universe ALWAYS has a way
showing love
teaching valuable lessons
of truth...
even if it's jolting to discover that
what you once thought was true,
turns out to be false,
or when you realize that what you once believed was false...
was actually TRUE.
Either way,
at first glance
you might think you "know" something
only to be shown in 'divine time'
that the projections and perceptions that you have placed upon various people, situations, and circumstances,
was in reality,
the Universe kindly "punking" you.
Trust in God's sense of humor...
the amazing ability of life to continue to perfect you,
even when what unfolds feels like a massive cosmic joke, or when it feels like you may have been snowed.
It seems like a joke...
because it is.
The sound of a thousand angels laughing will echo in your inner-ear
when that moment comes and
The angels won't be laughing,
at you...
but rather with you.
Stop being fooled by what you are choosing to see with your earthly eyes...
rarely does it reflect absolute reality.
Beware of walking through doors disguised as something they are not...
people who pretend to be someone who they are not truly at their very core,
ALWAYS be wise enough to know that you don't know everything.
Give faith to good people with good intentions, but be mindful and humble enough to remember that
because most of the time,
it's simply an illusion of your earthly mind.
Take comfort in trusting that when you may have fallen into the rabbit hole of believing something 'unreal' (unreal = anything but love)
the universe will find a way to "trick you awake".
And when it does,
even though it may hurt...
your angels will be there to laugh with you -
to laugh really loud,
with your belly rolling, listening to your giggles through your tears,
to hold your heart,
to bow to your humanness,
and most of all -
to bow to your humility and grace.
The cosmic comedy of love, life, and laughter is ever so delicately intertwined...
Cheers to awareness, angels, and an abundance of truth,